Project Post 3

My project charges mobile devices wirelessly while on the go. It’ll be primarily for students and young professionals. To use the device, the user will unzip the backpack and insert their device in a compressed pocket. The pocket will be made specifically for mobile devices and will start charging the device upon contact. *If permitted* the user will be able to connect the bookbag to an app. The app will enable the book bag to alert the user when the charging is complete, or when they have a call/text. This will be done with vibrations. It’ll be different from other projects on the market because it’ll have wireless charging and *it’ll be fully reactive to the mobile device*. 

Inductive Charging Kit 5V/ $9.99 / 1 / ADAFRUIT 

Solar Power Bank / $19.99 / 1 / Amazon 

IPhone wireless charging reciever/ $13.58 / 1 / Amazon 

Padding / $4 / 1 / Joann’s 

Straps / $6 1 / Joann’s 

Adjustable / $2 / 4 / Joann’s 

Fabric / TBD / Joann’s 




