GO VIDEO My project is a back pack that is able to charge the users mobile device. Using inductive charging and solar energy, the users phone doesn’t need any wires in order to charge – …
A back pack that allows the user to charge their phone while on the go. It features a wireless charging approach and is fully reactive – allowing the user to interact with their device without necessarily touching it.
Project Post 8
Last week, I moved through the muslin sample and figured out kinks and solutions. I started on the final project. I ran into a wall when it came to the pocket that the technology …
Project Post 7
Last week I had to find a new design for the backpack so that the technology would be a bit more noticeable for filming purposes. I altered some things and began to draft new patterns. …
N-SYNC Project Post 6
Last week: I was able to draft the patterns for the backpack. I was also able to figure out how the technology would be installed into the backpack. The fabric that I needed came in …
N-SYNC Project Post 5
Accomplishments: Last week I got my new technology ordered. It came Wednesday and I was able to get to work before the end of class. I also got my fabric ordered its expected arrival is …
Project Post 4
Accomplishments: Book Bag Seam Ripped Power Bank Acquired Pattern Made For New Draft Fabric Figured Out Ready To Order Problems: I need guidance on how to make the technology work, now that I have everything for it. I also …
Project Post 3
My project charges mobile devices wirelessly while on the go. It’ll be primarily for students and young professionals. To use the device, the user will unzip the backpack and insert their device in a compressed …
Project Post 2
2- N-SYNC by J.Bates Materials: (Flexible Weather Proof) Solar Panel Portable power bank Inductive charging kit Water proof fabric Seam sealer Other book bag materials (i.e zippers, straps, pads) Timeline: Find solar panel to order – …
Project Post 1
1- 1. Image attached 2. My project will be a book bag that will use inductive charging to charge your mobile device while you’re on the go. It will have a unit on the inside of the …