Project Post #7

MIDI Armband – Project post #7 (April 16th, 2018)

Chris Hanko,  Yewon Lee, Isaiah Scott


The current state of the MIDI armband:


Figure 1: SolidWorks part file of two layers to be laser cut (top layer to be cut from sleeve material and the bottom is the capacitive-touch copper

Figure 2: Laser-cut cloth canvas material for covering material with approximate button locations



Figure 3: First 2 iterations of laser-cut copper buttons to test button size, separation and laser cutting finish quality



  • A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous week


Chris: Continued working on the design of printed touch buttons, and constructed Solidworks models and drawings to import to the system. Worked on the poster design and the textual content included on the poster.

Yewon: Picked fabrics from the fabric store, did the laser cut on copper paper with different sizes. Catch up the program code.

Isaiah: Picked out 3 types of fabric from the fabric store, helped with the design of laser-cut pattern, continued updating Arduino code.


  • A description of problems encountered and outstanding issues


A problem that we encountered this week was sizing/formatting the buttons and sleeve for laser cutting. Another problem continued to be the Bluetooth interface with the laptop and teensy board. We are considering using a long USB cable for the first iteration



  • A plan for the next week of work  


This week, we plan to continue building our prototype and laser-cutting the various layers and experimenting with design aesthetics. We will continue to navigate the Bluetooth laptop connection problems and will finalize our poster content and video details. Lastly, we hope to finalize our project name as soon as possible!