Project Post #2

Project Post #2 – MIDI Armband



Rough Project Timeline:


March 12th – finalize exact functionalities of design as well as potential users


March 19th – Compile materials and manufacturing processes needed to construct a prototype


April 2nd – Come back from spring break with materials in hand and start constructing a prototype


April 9th – Began programming the soft buttons to interface with Ableton and hopefully a light programming program


April 16th – Troubleshoot any code problems and continue testing prototype with other users


April 23rd – Began constructing the presentable model version as well as a demo to demonstrate the functionality of our project


April 30th – Practice and present final project to the public as Wisconsin Science museum





Breathable moisture-wicking material for band to be worn on arm

-Bluetooth connector

-Conductive material to act as soft switch buttons

-2 flexible potentiometers

-Button to switch button inputs

-Vibrational motor

-Rechargeable battery source

-Other materials will be decided on upon further discussion of exact project scope