Project Post III

Feedback to reflect on: We talked about the potential of this in class, (2) how does the wearable object inform the wearer of the function? (2) How do you decide what meaning is most important to communicate about out exposure to colors? – M. Fairbanks

(1) Why should the wearer be cognitive of the object’s function? If you know you are wearing a color sensor, what more information adds to the communication/knowledge?

(2) Is the meaning/intent of the objects communication color exposure?

>> much time passes >>>

(1) I enjoy the soft haptic pulse of my iWatch. I have it toned way down, notification is soft, not aggressive nor stimulates immediacy, but rather awareness. I can know I am being notified and in any given moment ignore or accept it’s pulse. What if the person wearing the color sensor had a haptic pulse every time the sensor collected data. An opportunity to be aware of light conditions as they are collected // Time based collection would evoke a pace of time integrated into the day – random collection would be, I assume, less hourly and clocklike.

(1.5) Should the object hide or reveal it’s parts? What if the object was transparent and revealed the hardware inside? It might be interesting to produce the same final object in full transparency and full opacity.

(1) What is the meaning, or one potential meaning of collecting light. Curiosity, awareness, exposure? What is a non functional perspective to this question? What if the color was collective and communicative yet meaningless – a nothing communication. Because of our lack of sensitivity and awareness of ambient light.

(2.5) Given that full RGB color is only viewable at close proximity, what if the individual had an option to share data or a color throughout their day by placing the object in close enough proximity to collect that data  / or an ambient environment to share with another. Sharing in this aspect could be communicated via; led live feed, text, web update as a part of a composition or data point, stored for an artistic palette.

1) What does your project do? <input type=“color”> is a wearable device that collects and shares data from an RGB color and light sensor. The device falls under the categories of passive and active.

2) Who is your project for? In short, for me.  <input type=“color”> is a personal investigation into DIY technology, sharing, color, our environment and modes of communication and sharing.

3) Describe how someone would use the developed device.  What are the steps that a user would go through to interface with the technology?

<input type=“color”> will have both passive and active elements as a wearable device. The passive element will be the RGB Color Sensor will collect and send light as it’s programed, subject to change. An example would be to record light data every hour, at random or some other timed interval. (By having select times, and not live feed, the battery power will last longer and not drain as fast

The active element of the device sends RGB data by placing the device in close proximity to a color and ‘gestures’ to send color data to another individual. The “other individual” could receive this input on an additional device.

As a confirmation of when color is sent, when new color messages are received and when data is collected I’d like to add a vibrational element to notify the individual.

4) What makes your project different from existing products? There are color and light sensors on the market for industries including photography and interior design. There is not a color and light sensor that I can find that is a wearable and for communication outside of industry standards.


New Research Link: Tutorial: Connecting Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 wireless in real-time to Processing 3.3/Computer


Burning Questions

What the the route of travel – data line –

  1. from one arduino feather to another?
    1. bluetooth via phone – would this / could this route allow for gps data collection as well?
    2. Wifi

“Getting off the breadboard” How do you connect sensor, rgb neopixel, switch & microcontroller? Note: Interested in parts laid in a resin case and possibly visible using clear resin. Does this change the assembly?

How do I “tune the light sensor”


Updated Materials List refer charts in Project Post II [details/links/cost]

Flora Color Sensor ( 1 )

SparkFun RGB and Gesture Sensor – APDS-9960

Microcontroller (2-which one? Feather via wifi or bluetooth?)

Vibrating Disk Motor (2)

Solder Iron + Solder

3D printing for component containment + wearability

Battery? Waiting on chosen microcontroller

Wires / connections

Website hosting?

RGB Neo Pixels

Vibrational element?



Updated Timeline


Start of Week, Sunday


Connect all the dots, seeking help and problem solving on what parts to purchase

Purchase Microcontroller(s)

Determine final options + data flow through bluetooth to phone or via wifi?!

Order new sensor with gesture

Create color view to LED with existing RGB sensor to understand code/flow

Identify Data flows /code to output web page / web host

Conceptualize + Sketch housing for components



Connect new microcontrollers

Code connectivity from one device to another

Hardwire + connect all components



|| Spring Break ||

Code and design catch up



Model and print housing



Wearable Testing

Project fully integrated: improvements, refinement and/or new outputs



Poster Design Completed





Fashion Show + Project Showcase

Madison Masonic Center 4:30-7PM